Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Technicians Phlebotomy Salary Scale In The United States

Phlebotomy Technicians , sometimes called phlebotomists , are healthcare professionals who specialize in taking blood and other fluids of patients. Can also prepare these samples for subsequent analysis in the laboratory. Profiles can analyze blood donors , measuring vital signs of patients and transporting tissue samples of the patient to the laboratory. Their salaries can vary due to many factors including geographic location and the type of organization they work for.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS , according to its acronym in English) includes phlebotomy technicians within the category of hospital technicians and laboratory . The salaries of these technicians by May 2009 ranged from less than U.S. $ 23,850 per year to more than U.S. $ 55,210 . The average annual income was U.S. $ 36.030 and the hourly wage was U.S. $ 18.10 . placed the average annual income of a phlebotomy technician to U.S. $ 29,407 by March 2011 .

The technicians who work in Rhode Island earned higher wages, U.S. $ 26.68 per hour or U.S. $ 55,494 per year , according to the BLS . The technicians who work in Alaska , Maryland, Connecticut and New York earned an average hourly wage of $ 21.00 . The technicians who work in large metropolitan areas tend to earn higher salaries than those working in rural communities. The metropolitan area of ​​Champaign -Urbana , Illinois has offered technical higher average hourly wages in the county, $ 30.00 per hour or U.S. $ 62.400 per year.

By May 2009 , there were about 152,420 engineers working in the United States, according to BLS . More than 110,000 of these technicians were employed in general hospitals , surgical hospitals , private doctors , medical laboratories or diagnostic laboratories . The average hourly wages in these areas vary from U.S. $ 17.11 to U.S. $ 18.66 . The best paid jobs were offered by colleges and universities in the community , the executive branch of the federal government , home care services and services for research and development. The average hourly wages in these institutions extended to U.S. $ 23.10 per hour.

The BLS provides new job opportunities for technicians , with a growth of 14 percent between 2008 and 2018. Most states do not require phlebotomy technicians to be licensed or certified , but voluntary certification by an independent NGO , such as the American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians can give them an advantage when they are taken . Most employers are looking for technicians who have at least a high school diploma and some prefer applicants who have had formal training .

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